Sermon Series 3/2024 - Nehemiah

Click on links below for:
Sermon (video) • Scripture Reading • Sermon Notes • Reflection Questions • Prayer pointers

Nehemiah Sermon Series

“Rebuild and Renew”

The sermon series on the book of Nehemiah begins in August! Over 10 weeks to early October, in line with our directions for this year for Discipleship in the workplace, we’ll explore how to rebuild what is good and godly in our lives and renew ourselves through God’s Word.

Be engaged through the following ways:

  1. Do a book study on Nehemiah as a Small Group
  2. Join new study groups meeting on Fridays afternoon via Zoom
  3. Invite someone to join you at our sermon series services onsite or online
  4. Attend 2 Mid-Week Teaching Sessions:
    1. “Overview of Nehemiah” on 1 Aug
      Click here to watch recorded video
    2. “Lessons from Ancient Israel” on 10 Oct

Let’s grow together as intentional disciples of Christ!

Sermon Series 3/2024 - Nehemiah


Title and Scripture Passage


 Sermon Reflections

4 Aug 2024

Rebuilt To Build | Neh 1 | (Trad)

Rev Raymond Fong

4 Aug 2024

Rebuilt To Build | Neh 1 | (P&P)

Rev Lilian Ang

11 Aug 2024

Nehemiah Makes Plans | Neh 2 | (Trad)

Rev Lim Jen Huat

11 Aug 2024

Nehemiah Makes Plans | Neh 2 | (P&P)

Rev Adrian Ng

18 Aug 2024

The Rebuilding Begins | Neh 3:1 – 4:9 | (Trad)

Rev Gladwin Lee

18 Aug 2024

The Rebuilding Begins | Neh 3:1 – 4:9 | (P&P)

Rev Benjamin Lau

25 Aug 2024

Defense and Development | Neh 4:10 -23 | (Trad)

Rev Chia Chin Nam

25 Aug 2024

Defense and Development | Neh 4:10 -23 | (P&P)

Rev Ian Lee

01 Sep 2024

Rebuilt Through Justice And Love | Neh 5 | (Trad)

Rev Raymond Fong

01 Sep 2024

Rebuilt Through Justice And Love | Neh 5 | (P&P)

Rev Adrian Ng

08 Sep 2024

Finishing The Wall | Neh 6 -7 | (Trad)

Rev Lim Jen Huat

08 Sep 2024

Finishing The Wall | Neh 6 -7 | (P&P)

Rev Gladwin Lee

15 Sep 2024

Renewed Through The Word | Neh 8 | (Trad)

Rev Lilian Ang

15 Sep 2024

Renewed Through The Word | Neh 8 | (P&P)

Rev Raymond Fong

22 Sep 2024

Faithful And Unfaithful | Neh 9 | (Trad)

Rev Clement Ong

22 Sep 2024

Faithful And Unfaithful | Neh 9 | (P&P)

Rev Benjamin Lau

29 Sep 2024

Sacrificial Commitment | Neh 10:1 – 12:43 | (Trad)

Rev Adrian Ng

29 Sep 2024

Sacrificial Commitment | Neh 10:1 – 12:43 | (P&P)

Rev Ian Lee

06 Oct 2024

Faith Without Compromise | Neh 12:44 – 13:31 | (Trad)

Rev Raymond Fong

06 Oct 2024

Faith Without Compromise | Neh 12:44 – 13:31 | (P&P)

Rev Gladwin Lee



Mid-Week Teaching Sessions:

Join us at our Mid-week Teaching Sessions as follows:



Overview of Nehemiah



Rev Raymond Fong



1 August 2024



8.00 to 9.30pm



Online via Zoom



From 7 July 2024



This overview of the book of Nehemiah examines and discusses the historical context, key themes and discipleship lessons of the book of Nehemiah.


Click here to watch the video




Lessons from Ancient Israel



Rev Ian Lee and Dr Calvin Chong



10 October 2024



8.00 to 9.30pm



Onsite and Livestream



To Be Announced

Sermon Series Study Groups

Looking to delve deeper into the Rebuild and Renew sermon series based on the book of Nehemiah? Join a study group that will meet weekly after each sermon to discuss the weekly topic on Fridays, 12.00pm-1.30pm, via zoom.

Sign up link:

Or Scan:


For enquiries, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nehemiah Wall Building Project

As part of the Nehemiah series, we have a wall-building exercise for the entire church!

1 Peter 2:4-6 reminds us that we are “living stones” built into a “spiritual house” with Christ as our cornerstone. Each of us, regardless of age, is chosen by God and precious to Him.

This "wall" will capture what we would like to "build" in our homes and workplaces so that we may glorify God and love others as His faithful disciples. 

Therefore, we will use brick-stickers to represent what we would like to build and offer to the Lord as a family unit, small group or an individual as our acts of worship, surrender and commitment to our good and faithful God.

Key Dates:

  • Collection of brick-stickers and wall-building starts on 17 August 2024.
  • Wall-building continues until 8 September 2024.



Bible Reading Drive (BRD) – Nehemiah

In line with the start of the sermon series, the BRD reading plan will cover the book of Nehemiah from 10 to 29 August 2024.

Every day, from Monday to Saturday, we will read a selected passage from Nehemiah with a second passage from Psalms. On Sundays, the readings will be taken from Psalms.

Daily reflections penned by our church leaders from the readings on Nehemiah will be posted on the BRD pages on our Tidings microsite ( and may also be accessed through posts on our Church's Telegram Channel (

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